Chrome users warned ahead of major browser updates
With Google Chrome set to reach version 100 in the coming months, warnings have been sent out to website owners and managers. Unfortunately this milestone could cause issues for some sites within the browser. Despite the launch making no major changes or introducing new features, Google Chrome has identified that it may cause some problems for older sites. Not only will this affect Chrome users, but Firefox and Edge users too, as the three browsers move over to version 100.
What does version 100 mean?
Version 100 is simply an update to the latest version of each browser. The difference with this version is that we move from a two-digit to three-digit version number.
Why this is likely to cause problems for site users
For some older sites the big milestone for both Chrome and Firefox, means some websites may face bugs and other usability issues as they have trouble reading the new triple-digit-user-agent strings. Notable sites identified as potentially being at risk of facing issues include HBO, Yahoo and EurosportPlayer.
Reminiscent of the Y2K bug
If you recall, something similar affected us all back in the year 2000. The infamous Y2K bug that made the year 2000 indistinguishable from 1900 for some computers. This caused major headaches for developers and site managers pre-millenium. The work developers are having to do behind the scenes has been compared to that of the work done 22 years ago!
Should you be worried about these browser updates?
Despite some concern around websites breaking or experiencing bugs, the browsers have reassured users they are working behind the scenes to ensure a smooth transition to version 100. Attempting to avoid the panic and worry caused by the Y2K bug back in 1999/2000.
In a recent Mozilla blog, the team says there is plenty in place to prevent widespread issues.
‘Both Firefox and Chrome have been running experiments where current versions of the browser report being at major version 100 in order to detect possible website breakage. This has led to a few reported issues, some of which have already been fixed. These experiments will continue to run until the release of version 100.
There are also backup mitigation strategies in place, in case version 100 release to stable channels causes more damage to websites than anticipated.’.
To summarise…
Version release is set for 3 May 2022 for FireFox, with the Chrome update expected much sooner with a release currently set for 29 March 2022.
Worried about what the transition to version 100 could mean for your site? Not to worry, our teams are always available to offer advice and guidance. Get in touch with the Digital Next team for more information.