Google Vince Update, Google’s Dark Horse
Vince, Googles Dark Horse
Since 2009, SEO Forums have been littered with discussion about the advantage Big Brands seem to have throughout Google search results, with many mutterings about the so called Vince update implemented by Matt Cutts and his team. Understanding the principles of Vince is no doubt one of the most important ways to ensure your SEO campaign will have the most effect with respect to brand & return of investment.
<strong “”>What Happened?
As Matt Cutts announced this minor change in Googles algorithm process, contrary to what was actually felt throughout the web and retrospective SEO campaigns. Many questions have been proposed to the community about this update, answered by prominent members of the SEO community, not surprisingly by the late Ted Ulle:
I also have the sense that there is a change in this direction. In 2008 Eric Schmidt made some comments that brands were more important. My only question is whether the influence is from offline or possible some other factor – such as unlinked brand mentions, or social media buzz.
The truth of the matter is the majority of these so called big brands have always had a noticeable online presence and dominated certain arenas of the SEO world. The main talking point in this is that not many of these big brands had any clue of how to build a search engine friendly website. In a nut shell Googles search algorithm is more suited for larger brands, often displaying companies for incomplete search terms. A good example can be seen when e is typed into the search bar, automatically brands like eBay, Euro Millions and Easy Jet are displayed.
<strong “”>What this update has taught us?
Vince has schooled us in the main principles behind all the major brands such as Coca Cola or McDondalds; build from the bottom with an ethical, multiple channel marketing strategy. Building a brand is even easier in the modern day with so many marketing channels available to the public:
Video Content Market with video content posted on your website, social media platforms & blogs to create integrity & personality in your brand. Imagine what 100 000 hits on YouTube would do for your business.
Blog Content Blogging at least 3 times per week will increase your social presence with Google by uploading fresh, quality content to your website.
Social Media Marketing With so many social media platforms available throughout the web, the world is your oyster. Marketing effectively with social media campaigns can generate large volumes of traffic in a very short space of time, leading to higher potential ROI through point of sale.
Blog & Social Media Interlinking Ensure your blog platform automatically distributes your content to respective social media pages. This will entertain your users & followers and could generate more traffic through a simple word of mouth!
As you build your brand and continue to grow you will establish a reputation of trust & credibility throughout your target audience and other prospective traffic; simple steps that will have huge dividends in the long run.
<strong “”>What Now?
Since the Panda & Penguin updates have been implemented we can recognise the efforts Google have been making to evolve past a link based algorithm. Implementing effective marketing techniques to compliment your SEO efforts is one of the modern days vital aspects of online marketing. If you havent already looked at this area of the web you are radically behind the times. Day-to-day use of social media is in the billions and it could be these billions that youre missing out on. If you are listening to this, Vince has spoken.