One Stop Google Analytics View
Google Analytics has 1000’s of different views and combinations of metrics that a user can look at and drill down into. When we use analytics to report, we generally look for some simple views that provide strong data signals such as, top landing pages, what device has been used and what drives the conversions. Reporting on this is simple enough, but for most people this means looking at various different views and reports.
More recently, we have started to look at what can be viewed as a one stop shop to view all of your website data and performance on one page. The ultimate analytics page combines all the most important data into one screen:
– Device
– Source
– Medium
– Sessions
– Bounce Rate
– Average session
– Transactions
– Revenue
-Conversion Rate
To be able to see the complete data, you need to make sure you have goals set up, if you are a goal driven website, or for E-commerce websites, make sure E-commerce tracking is enabled. If you run a PPC campaign, then you must ensure the accounts are connected properly, and if you run any type of Email campaigns, then ensure all the links are tagged correctly.
Once you have all this in place, you have a perfect screen to get a brief on the state of your website.
Setting Up the View
To see this magical view for yourself you need to do the following
– Log into your analytics account
– On the left hand side select Audience > Mobile > Overview
– Once this view is selected, then add a secondary dimension for ‘Source / Medium’
– View all the rows to get a better picture.
Once you have followed these steps, you will have a screen that resembles below
The default view organises the data by traffic. In my example, you can see that mobile traffic from Facebook is the biggest traffic source. Running along the column, you can see that this traffic converts at 0.29% which indicates traffic that doesn’t make a purchase on the website.
Lining up the traffic levels to the number of transactions, you can see that mobile traffic through Facebook drives 4 X more traffic than traditional desktop users, but the traditional users made 5 X more transactions on the website.
Bounce Rate
Overall, the bounce rate of the website 42%, this doesn’t really tell you anything of value because this is an average for all pages.
For example, Direct mobile traffic has a 44% bounce rate, were desktop search traffic has a 19% bounce rate. This highlights the mobile version of the website probably needs some work on it to improve the user experience, where desktop visitors are having a better experience.
Transactions / Revenue / Conversion Rate
The ultimate aim of this view is to highlight what traffic makes you money. Sort the column by revenue to see what combination drives the most money. In this example, Organic traffic from Google using a desktop computer drives the most revenue.
However, if you sort the column by conversion rates, we notice that the best converting traffic comes from people clicking on links in an E-Shot using a tablet.
Set Up Reports & React
Once you customise the view to what you want to see, then you can simply automate the reports to send you this information when you want it.
Simply click the ‘Email’ button towards the top of the page and set up the frequency of the reports and how you want the data sending you.
When you have this data, its great to use it as a sign post to direct you towards what needs addressing the most on your website. Use the data to set up dev tasks, or challenge your design team to improve vital data readings such has the bounce rate for mobile etc.