How to preserve your online visibility with a new site launch
In the ever increasing, new age, of mobile and tablet technology brings with it internet searching from anything but (what I used to call) a computer terminal or a desktop in its richer form.
More and more businesses owners are quickly realising their deep-founded loyalty to their websites is an emotional attachment and now is the time to respond to a changing of the guard and invest in a new responsive website that renders correctly on mobiles and tablets.
Go Responsive
With new research recently completed showing more than 50% of people now search more frequently from a mobile or tablet and analytics data often showing bounce rates for non-responsive websites is worrying high from a device such as an iPad or iPhone – now’s the time to “move with the times” and take the plunge into a new website.
Whilst the layout and design is a personal choice the platform it is to be built on take careful consideration. If it’s a static website geared towards brand awareness and lead generation then WordPress is widely regarded as the most SEO friendly platform. However, if you’re selling online through the website then an e-commerce platform such as WooCommerce or Magento have to be very seriously considered, whichever of the two you opt for really depends on the number of products held on the site.
Now to take the very careful steps to preserve the successful optimisation and online visibility you have invested so wisely in (to combat the moving of the goalposts and several Google algorithm updates). SEO companies can be worth their weight in gold in times of changing websites and below are some essential steps to implement or look out for to make sure your website’s online visibility remains as high as it was with your “good ole site from way back when” and that tracking is continually monitored and maintained.
Is the test site indexed?
Website development companies will, almost always, build any new site on a test URL so you can view changes and have input every step of the way.
When new site is signed off, and the switch flicked, it is vitally important to ensure the test website is not indexed and that the move of the site onto your previous URL remains the only copy of the site available of the web.
In the event you have, not only revamped your website, at the same time updated the platform and CMS to a more modern updated version (WordPress or Magento previously mentioned) then it is highly likely a new URL structure takes effect. Ensure 301 redirects are in place so that all the strength built up through careful SEO on previous URLs (home, category, sub-category and product pages) are transferred to the URL structure in place on the new site.
Meta Information
Take time to ensure the meta/page titles on the new site are SEO friendly and read naturally, this is often something so simple and straight forward however is easily missed as the excitement of site launch grows ever nearer.
Google is definitely placing more and more emphasis on content so the launch of a new site represents the ideal opportunity to look at site wide content refresh. Remember to keep it unique internally and externally and be guided by the advice provided by Google following their “phantom update” release.
Google Analytics
Make sure that the correct Google Analytics code is inserted into the new websites root so that you can track vital data obtained through the analytics portal. All too often we hear about tracking code being removed from the old site and not transferred to the new uploaded design. This can, in a worst case scenario mean all historic data is lost and a new code goes on the new site.
Also remember, if your new site is e-commerce or static to that matter, ensure you place codes on the shopping basket and/or contact form so that conversions and call to actions can be tracked, monitored and reported on.
Take these steps to ensure the time and budget you have invested, to date, in your online visibility and ventures are enhanced with your new responsive site and not to the detriment of.