Social Media Marketing: The True Benefits for Businesses
When social media first emerged, I’m not sure many people could have anticipated how much of an integral part of society it would become. With 1.73 billion people having active social media accounts, it is certainly something that cannot be overlooked by businesses. So, what are the real benefits to their business?
Increased Exposure
In a recent report that was conducted, increased exposure was the main benefit of social media to a business according to the marketers that took part. A huge 91% of them agreed, stating that around 6 hours a week devoted social media time is enough to increase exposure.
Not only is the majority of social media marketing free, but a recent study showed that there are 1.73 billion social media users around the world, that is almost one in 4 people! With the exposure that companies gain via social media marketing, they can; showcase products and services, build relationships with their target audience and potential customers, generate leads, build a brand image, this list goes on.
Increase Website Traffic
It’s no surprise that the second benefit of social media marketing was increased website traffic. Overall, 70% of marketers and 75% of businesses who had been running a social media campaign for a year or more, found that social media marketing had a substantial effect on increasing their website traffic.
Social media platforms can be used as a base to build relationships and confidence with potential clients, which then leads to them moving on to the website. To do this you need to get the right mix of quality engaging content and a well-developed ad campaign.
Help Build a Loyal Fan Base
Social media platforms are a great way for businesses to communicate with their customers and vice versa. They allow companies to engage with their audience in a more personal way, helping customers to feel more wanted and connected. From this, businesses can find themselves with a very loyal fan base, which can be incredibly beneficial in building a positive brand image and making new customers more likely to trust you. In the report, unsurprisingly, 73% of B2C marketers claimed this to be a key benefit compared to 63% of B2B marketers.
Help Gain Marketplace Insight
The report that was conducted showed that 68% of marketers said social media marketing helped provide market insights that they didn’t already have. Because social media is so personal, it allows businesses to see their consumers in their true light. You can from this, easily workout who else they interact with, their habits and hobbies, what they like/dislike etc. With all the information you can gain about your target audience, it can really have a positive effect on your marketing strategy.
Generate Leads
Ultimately, in any type of marketing, one thing you want to take from it are leads. In the report, over 50% of marketers who have been using social media effectively for over a year said they were generating leads. To generate leads through your social profiles your community needs to trust you, be engaged and have a need for the product/service that you offer. If done correctly generating leads through social media marketing should come naturally and be something that isn’t forced.
Social media marketing has many different benefits to offer to businesses and something that all businesses should consider. If done correctly it can be hugely beneficial in building your brand and also attaining business.