Social Media Spam On Toast
Spam on Toast!
Every day we are approached by clients asking for advice & tips on Social Media Optimisation (SMO) with the aspiration to grab those vital lines of traffic available through Facebook, Twitter, Google + & other associated platforms. Social media now seems an integral part of so many peoples lives as the amount of users increases with no sign of slowing down.
So how do we advise our clients? Well like any other type of optimisation campaign whether it be Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Pay-Per-Click (PPC) or content marketing, you have to ensure that you simply follow the correct guidelines.
The main reason behind a Google penalty is Spam; endless, tasteless spamming tactics to flush social media pages with hit points, impulse buttons and endless sales related topics. You will only see the real benefit of SMO if it is done correctly and ethically; posting continuous updates relating to services and products is more than likely going to detract potential clients.
Spam Overdose
Overusing the major features of social media platforms such as status updates, hash tags & direct messaging will have a negative effect on your social media efforts. Its a quick fire way to reduce your followers and likes. You need to ask yourself; would you like to be bombarded with endless offers & sales updates? Dont run through what you wouldnt welcome yourself and always look to post content that in turn is likely to be shared and appreciated.
An Empty Spam Tin
No one likes an empty spam tin! Having a bland social media page will certainly de value your brand, no activity will leave the user with a negative perception. Again ask yourself would you follow such a page if you didnt see any credibility? Especially a page without personality.
Make sure your profile is updated with images, content & video (if possible) to show followers who you are and what about. Make sure you post regular video content about your team, your business to maintain familiarity and continuity with users. Try to analyse how your followers interact with your posts, this way you can generate ideas on what content and material to publish moving forward.
Burn Your Spam in the Pan!
Spammy techniques may seem a quick fix for but at what damage? We recommend to stay safe and start small, the potential for growing your reputation and like-for-like sales will be much higher when built upon a platform for growth.
Successful social media campaigns are ones that are used as brand building exercises. We try and add value to the user and endeavour to make the experience as beneficial as possible. We look to post trending articles, hints and tips to emphasise our expertise in digital marketing. By offering content like this increases the likelihood of generating an organic following.