Socially share your brand with the world
Last week, social media giant, Facebook, stated that they are stamping down on the way that people ‘buy’ likes for certain pages. Many brands and business Facebook users have bought likes over the past to make their pages appear more popular than they actually are.
Look at it this way, why would you want to purchase fake likes that will have no impact on your business and could potentially harm your brand? Facebook has changed over the past year and it is now much harder to gain likes organically. The feature of running competitions and advertising is a great way of building brand awareness and is also deemed ethical and best practice by them. The use of competitions is highly rated from Facebook business users as not only does it give you a great chance to increase your following, but shows you are giving back to your loyal fans.
Facebook said in a recent statement ‘We have a strong incentive to aggressively get rid of fake likes because businesses and people who use our platform want real connections and results, not fakes.”
From my point of view, this is a great thing for social media marketers like myself. I have never really seen the point of buying likes, as it adds nothing but corruptness to the brand itself. However, if you are building your likes organically across Facebook, then you must appreciate that this is the only thing that is going to increase is the amount of money landing in your revenue stream.
In recent months, I have seen more and more brands using social media the right way. It’s not a viable marketing source if you buy likes and then don’t regularly update your channels. It doesn’t matter if you have 1,000 likes or 100,000 likes, obviously that is great for brand awareness and credibility, but it’s all about what type of person behind that ‘like’ is and how you, the brand, can transform that person into a brand advocate.