The Resurgence and Evolution of SEO: SEO or CEO (Customer Experience On-line)
Gone has Keyword Data
Data has always been an integral part of SEO. Even with the resurgence of SEO, engaging users with highly relevant content, bright social philosophy and link bait there are still a wide variety of explanations to why SEO experts are still excellent data collectors. Google are currently diminishing the use of keywords through analytical data. Keyword data can be a great advantage to actually picking out what is driving large amounts of traffic through a given site. In the long run these latest Google updates will more than likely develop us as marketers, making the keywords selection more natural with SEOs having to work out which key terms drive actionable traffic.
The Customer Experience
A case can be stated that modernised Search Engine Optimisation is a specific form of social media. If a company was to launch a social media campaign, their ultimate goal should be to engage as many people as possible. This engagement can then lead to harvesting deals and agreements. SEO demands the ability to engage in particular ways thats expected to gain links relating to the anchor text/key term that brand is looking to target. Understanding social media can be an integral but basic part of an SEO campaign to help achieve search engine marketing goals. Successful campaigns are the ones that possess the attributes to reach out to bloggers and publishers with writing opportunities. Content always must be relevant with cleverly positioned keywords however these days it needs to be more than just that, it has to entice audiences to want to share, like and re-port your material in turn this increases your social kudos, contributing to your overall authority on Google.
A Wider Reach
Before content is created for SEO, you should have a strong idea of who the target audience are and what sort of content they respond to. Questions like how much do I write? What angle shall I take? How shall I title the piece? Should be considered. A thorough understanding of SEO is important before embarking on an outreach campaign. To have a greater effect content will need to be re-shared, bloggers and writers with authority know the difference between content written to sell and editorial content.