Twitter Polls – An Exciting New Feature
This week, Twitter rolled out their brand new feature, Twitter polls! For the poll creator it’s a great chance to gather opinions, settle debates and engage with Twitter’s huge audience. For the user taking part, it’s a quick and easy way to offer their view.
In the past, if you wanted to run a poll, there were many ways you could do it e.g. following hashtag votes, asking people to enter by Retweeting or favoriting your post, tweeting questions and tracking replies etc. However, these posed many problems, including time, effort, reliability, and so on. Now, things have got a hell of a lot easier as you can now create a two-choice poll right in the compose box! The poll stays live for 24 hours and users can vote on any poll they want with the reassurance that their vote won’t be shared publicly.
It is going to be interesting to see how people use the polls and adapt to the feature. It is still early on and there are no stats to go off at the minute but one thing we predict is that it will have a positive impact in terms of engagement. Here are some different ways in which the polls could be used:
Feedback on your content: Twitter polls are a great way to get help from your fans and followers as to what you should be posting on Twitter! After all, it is them that will be viewing it.
Gathering opinions: Twitter polls are a great way to gather opinions. Whether it be for a personal dilemma or for data to back up some content you are writing.
Having fun: One thing is for sure, having fun with your followers will be one of the main ways that Twitter polls will be used. This will be a great way to also give your engagement a boost.
Voting on future content: Twitter polls could also be used as a way to gather help from your fans and followers on what content they want to see in the future.
Product feedback: With the efficiency of Twitter polls, they would be a great tool to gather product feedback.
Market research: Market research can take a lot of time, effort and money. With Twitter polls you can gather research quickly, easily and at no cost.
Reacting to real-time events: Twitter is already a great place for real-time reactions and Twitter polls have now added to that.
This exciting, new feature offers a wide range of new benefits to the engagement part of Twitter and it is intriguing to see how different users will use it to their advantage.