85% Of All Product Searches Start On Google!

Did you know that Google Ads allows businesses to connect with the most customers? That’s right, Google is the most popular search engine amongst users looking to make a purchase. With this information, you simply can not ignore the power of Google ads when developing and your digital marketing strategy.

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Why Choose Google Ads?

As the largest search engine in the world and most frequently used, choosing Google Ads seems like a no brainer. And while it is possible for businesses to create and manage their own Google Ads campaigns, having the direct support of expert PPC management service providers guarantees that these campaigns will run effectively.

Reaching such wide audiences from around the world, Google’s search engine offers a wide number of capabilities for businesses who choose to utilise its ad services.

The following are reasons to consider using Google Ads as part of your digital marketing strategy:
Reach the right audience: With billions of daily searches on Google, it’s highly likely that your target audience is using the platform. Google offers advanced targeting options such as location, demographics, interests, and keywords to ensure that your ads reach the right people.

Cost-effective: Unlike traditional advertising methods, Google Ads operates on a pay-per-click (PPC) model. This means you only pay when someone clicks on your ad, making it a cost-effective option for businesses of all sizes.

Real-time tracking and reporting: Google Ads provides real-time data and detailed reports that allow you to track the performance of your ads. You can see important metrics such as clicks, conversions, and cost per click (CPC) to measure the success of your campaigns.

Flexibility and control: With Google Ads, you have full control over your ad spend and can make changes at any time. This allows for flexibility in budget management and targeting adjustments based on real-time performance data.

Various ad formats: Google Ads offers a variety of ad formats such as text, image, video, and shopping ads. This allows businesses to choose the format that best aligns with their marketing goals and reach their audience in different ways.

Enhance Your Online Visibility

Our Google Ads management services allow us to create Google Ads campaigns that can make a difference to your business in a short space of time. Our team is led by a previous Google Product Specialist, allowing us to put our expertise and proven methods to work. No matter the industry you’re in, PPC and Google Ads can help you achieve your goals. So, what are you waiting for…

Continual Monitoring and Optimisation

One of the key benefits of using Google Ads is the ability to constantly monitor and optimise your campaigns. Our team at Digital Next will continually track and analyse your ad performance, making necessary adjustments to ensure maximum effectiveness. This includes monitoring keyword performance, adjusting bids, and testing different ad formats to find the most successful combination for your business.

Managing And Optimising Your Google Ads Campaign

Our PPC experts can not only manage your Google Ads spend to ensure optimum results for your budget, they can also make crucial recommendations to better optimise each campaign. This can include working with our content writers to enhance landing pages, learning about the new algorithms and understanding buyer intent. This helps us to get the best possible results for your business.

Optimise Your Campaign for Maximum Performance

Optimising your Google Ads campaign is a crucial step in ensuring its success. By carefully monitoring and analysing the performance of your ads, you can make necessary adjustments to improve their effectiveness. Our team will continuously work on your campaigns to ensure they are optimised for the best results and ROI for your business. Regularly reviewing and adjusting your keyword selection and testing different ad formats and styles.

Feeling Overwhelmed By Google Ads?

Get expert management services from our team at Digital Next and watch your campaigns soar. Schedule a free PPC consultation today!

Let Us Manage Your PPC Campaigns

At Digital Next, you will receive a dedicated PPC account manager to work with you on creating the best possible PPC campaigns to meet your needs and budget. Our Google Ads management service means we can manage everything effectively from start to finish, while keeping you in the loop. This is just some of what we can offer:

1 - PPC strategy consultation
To begin the process our PPC experts will discuss everything you wish to achieve from a quality PPC campaign and plan the next steps.

2 - Keyword and competitor research
Following our initial consultation, we will go away and do all the leg work. Spending time completing keyword research and competitor research to establish the best approach.

3 - PPC landing page creation
In case your landing page does not convert traffic, our web design team will create you a new one that converts to meet your goals.

4 - Ad copy creation
Our copy wizards will get to work writing you some quality ad copy that is certain to grab the attention of your target audience.

5 - Bid adjustments & ad positioning
As your campaign goes live, our work doesn’t just stop there. We will manage your campaign making bid adjustments based on results and improve ad positioning.

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Transparency and Communication:

At Digital Next we believe in keeping our clients informed every step of the way. With our Google Ads management service, you will receive regular updates on the performance of your campaigns and have access to detailed reports. Our team is also always available to answer any questions or address any concerns you may have about your advertising efforts.

Long-Term Success For Your Business

While Google Ads can provide quick results, our goal is to create sustainable and long-term success for your business. Our team will work closely with you to understand your goals and develop a strategic approach that aligns with your overall marketing strategy. This ensures that your PPC ads are not just short-term solutions, but also contribute to the growth and success of your business in the long run.

Choose A Google Premier Partner To Manage Your Google Ads

PPC is one of our core services, with a proficient team who have generated great results over the years. Our Google Ads management service means we can market your business effectively to the right audience, using our industry insights, extensive experience and in-depth research to lead the way. Whether you already know a thing or two about PPC or not, our Google Premier Partner team can show you just how effective Google Ads can be.

Get in touch with our team today to begin discussing your business goals and objectives and allow us to tailor our Google ads management service to your specific needs and requirements.

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Google PPC Ads FAQs:

How do Google PPC Ads work?

Google PPC, or pay-per-click, ads are a form of online advertising where businesses only pay when someone clicks on their ad. These ads can be displayed at the top of Google search results or on websites that are part of the Google Display Network.

Why should I use Google PPC Ads for my business?

Google PPC Ads allow businesses to target specific audiences, track their advertising performance, and only pay for actual clicks on their ads. This makes it a cost-effective and targeted way to reach potential customers online.

What is the difference between Google Ads and Google AdWords?

Google AdWords was the previous name for Google’s advertising platform, which has now been rebranded as Google Ads. The functionality and features of the platform remain the same.

How much do Google PPC Ads cost?

The cost of Google PPC Ads depends on a variety of factors, including your budget, competitiveness of keywords, and ad targeting options. You can set a daily budget for your ads and only pay when someone clicks on them.

Can I measure the success of my Google PPC Ads?

Yes, with Google’s detailed reporting and analytics, businesses can track the performance of their PPC campaigns and measure the success in terms of clicks, conversions, and return on investment. This allows for continual optimisation and improvement of ad campaigns.

How do I get started with Google PPC Ads?

To get started with Google PPC Ads you should consider utilising the services of a digital marketing agency. Although it is possible to run your own campaigns, having the support of digital marketing and PPC experts on your side guarantees success and quick results. At Digital Next our Google Premier Partner recognition puts us above the rest, with access to early updates from Google and direct contact with our Google support.

Why Work With Digital Next?

At Digital Next our PPC team comprises Google specialists who have years of experience in their field. We understand how to optimise and prioritise according to your business objectives, monitoring and managing as we go. Making sure your business is noticed by your target audience is what we do best, but we also make sure we keep you in the loop throughout the whole process. You have complete sign off on anything we do, so you can work with us with confidence.

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Feeling Overwhelmed By Google Ads?

Get expert management services from our team at Digital Next and watch your campaigns soar. Schedule a free PPC consultation today!