More than 455 million sites use WordPress

Being equipped with plenty of useful features, allowing you to manage your website with ease, WordPress has grown to become one of the most popular CMS platforms in the world.

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WordPress Agency In Manchester

WordPress web design and development can provide you with an efficient content management system for your business. WordPress is one of the most popular platforms, equipped with security features to keep your website safe, and other in-built features to facilitate blog publishing, user management and custom modules.

WordPress Development Services

At Digital Next we can create the right WordPress website to suit your business objectives. WordPress websites are designed to be responsive and comply with Google’s algorithms. From bespoke WordPress projects to ready-made themes, our team has the experience to build brochure style websites to fully functioning ecommerce websites. You can feel confident knowing your WordPress website will be creative and unique, and we can offer ongoing support to help you manage your website moving forward.

Building Your New Website

It’s so important to us that we understand your business and your goals, before we begin designing your WordPress website. We follow a process to help us ensure your new website meets your requirements and helps you propel your business towards online success. From the initial consultation through to web page design and site development, our designers and web developers will do everything possible to create your perfect website that not only looks great but works effectively!

Why Choose WordPress For Your Site?

There’s a whole host of reasons why WordPress is one of the best CMS systems in the business, but here’s just a few:

Enhanced Flexibility and Customisation:
WordPress provides an extensive selection of themes and plugins, enabling a high degree of customization and flexibility in website design. This capability allows users to craft a unique and professional website appearance without requiring in-depth coding expertise.

Additionally, the platform supports seamless integration with a variety of third-party tools and services, further expanding the possibilities for personalising your site. Whether you are looking to add ecommerce functionality, social media integration, or advanced SEO tools, WordPress has got you covered.

User-Friendly Interface:
One of the biggest advantages of using WordPress is its user-friendly interface. Even for those without any technical knowledge, managing and updating a website on WordPress is simple and straightforward. The intuitive dashboard makes it easy to create pages , publish posts, and make changes to your site’s design with just a few clicks.

Moreover, WordPress regularly releases updates that are easy to install and keep your website running smoothly. This user-friendly aspect of WordPress makes it an ideal choice for beginners and non-tech-savvy individuals looking to establish an online presence.

Robust Content Management System:
As a content management system (CMS), WordPress excels in managing and organising large amounts of content. With its built-in media library, users can easily upload, store, and manage various types of multimedia files such as images, videos, and audio.

Additionally, the platform offers a range of tools for creating and publishing different types of content, from blog posts to static pages. This makes WordPress a versatile choice for websites of all kinds, whether it’s a personal blog or a complex business website.

SEO Friendly:
Search engine optimisation (SEO) is crucial for improving your website’s visibility and ranking on search engines. With its clean code structure, mobile responsiveness, and various SEO plugins available, WordPress is highly optimised for search engines.

This makes it easier for your website to rank higher in search results, driving more traffic and potential customers to your site. As such, WordPress is an excellent choice for those looking to improve their online presence and attract more visitors to their site.

There are many reasons why WordPress is the preferred choice for building websites. Its flexibility, user-friendly interface, robust content management system, SEO optimisation, cost-effectiveness, and strong community support make it an ideal option for individuals and businesses looking to establish their online presence.

Build A WordPress Site That Looks The Part & Works!

Utilise the expertise of our web development team to get the most out of your WordPress site development. From the front end to the back end we’ve got you covered.

WordPress Features We Know You Will Love

With a range of built-in features, WordPress is widely used across the globe, and not just business. Some of these features include:

Mobile responsiveness:
In today's digital landscape, having a website that is mobile responsive is essential. Fortunately, WordPress themes are designed to be mobile-friendly right out of the box. This means your site will automatically adjust to different screen sizes, making it accessible and visually appealing across all devices.

Multi-user capabilities
If you're working on a website with multiple team members or contributors, WordPress has got you covered. Its multi-user capabilities allow you to add users with different roles and permissions, making it easy to manage and collaborate on website content.

Built-in blogging capabilities:
WordPress started as a blogging platform, and its roots are still evident in its built-in blogging capabilities. With features like categories, tags, post scheduling, and more, creating and managing blog posts has never been easier.
This makes it an ideal choice for bloggers and content creators looking to establish a strong online presence.

E-commerce functionality:
With the rise of online shopping, having e-commerce functionality on your website is becoming increasingly important. WordPress offers various plugins like WooCommerce that allow you to easily set up an online store and sell products or services directly from your site.

Security features:
WordPress takes website security seriously and regularly releases updates to address any potential vulnerabilities. Additionally, there are various security plugins available that provide additional layers of protection for your site.

At Digital Next we know how to utilise these features and many more in order to design and develop a site using WordPress that will impress and convert your target audience. From creating eye-catching landing pages to an SEO-friendly blog with all the relevant plugins you may want, our WordPress web design services will ensure every one of your boxes are ticked and your website supports your business as the strong foundation for your online presence.

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WordPress FAQs

We know many of our clients do not have the experience of building or managing their own site. This is why we want to be sure you understand exactly what it is we are offering before we start your journey with us. Hence why we have answered some common questions right here.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is simply an incredibly popular content management system, also known as a CMS. This is the first choice for many looking to create a blog, landing page, online store, forum or other website.

What does a WordPress plugin do?

A WordPress plugin can be compared to an app you download on your mobile device. They are pieces of software that add some type of functionality to your WordPress website.

Popular plugins include those for SEO which allow you to optimise your site for SEO with meta titles, meta descriptions, and assist with the technical aspects too.

Why does website speed matter?

Website speed plays an important role in ensuring your audience can navigate your site and are able to find what they are looking for. Plus, the speed of a site has an impact on a person’s perception of your brand. Typically, a site user will be less than impressed with a site that is slow or lags, often deeming this to be unreliable or unprofessional. Web users want fast and easy to navigate sites.

At Digital Next we place importance on ensuring your newly designed WordPress site is optimised for website speed, as part of our design process.

Is WordPress only suitable for blogging websites?

No, WordPress is a versatile platform that can be used to create various types of websites, including business websites, e-commerce sites, and more.

Can I customise my website on WordPress?

Yes, there are thousands of themes and plugins available on WordPress that allow you to fully customise your site’s design and functionality according to your needs. Our team can support you in doing this, in order to achieve a look that is unique to your brand.

Design Your Wordpress Site With Digital Next

Our web design and development team are here to help recommend the best page designs and functionality features, striking up a productive partnership with you. We work with companies big and small, bringing our creativity and expertise to each project. Our WordPress web design services deliver user-friendly and future-proof websites to generate leads, increase sales, attract new customers and improve your online visibility. Whether you already have an idea of how you’d like your WordPress website to look, or you’re starting from scratch, let our web design team offer a professional, but friendly, helping hand.

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Build A WordPress Site That Looks The Part & Works!

Utilise the expertise of our web development team to get the most out of your WordPress site development. From the front end to the back end we’ve got you covered.